
Emergency preparedness for pets and animals

On March 14, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Monroe will partner with other regional CCE offices to offer an emergency preparedness conference, which will focus on emergency preparedness principles as they relate to animals. CCE-Ontario hosts the event at 480 North Main Street, Canandaigua, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. The conference is appropriate for 4-H club members and students ages 13 and up, and adults in the greater Finger Lakes region. 

The conference aims to increase at-home emergency preparedness in the region as it relates to caring for animals during a disaster. The conference is free for preregistered 4-H Club members, students ages 13 to 18, and their parents. The cost will be $5 at the door for unregistered patrons. 

Register online at

Conference objectives include: familiarizing the public with emergency preparedness for animals, increasing formal planning among 4-H club members and the public, differentiating emergency preparedness planning between pets and farm animals, and raising awareness of CARTs (County Animal Response Teams). 

The full conference schedule found at

The Monroe County 4-H Program is offered through Cornell Cooperative Extension to the youth of Monroe County. Learn more at

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