
Grant assistance available for history-related organizations

The Pomeroy Fund for NYS History is a new partnership between the William G. Pomeroy Foundation and the Museum Association of New York (MANY). This fund will grant assistance to 501(c)(3) history-related organizations in New York State with budgets under $100,000 that have been forced to close in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Pomeroy Fund for NYS History grants will range between $1,000 and $2,000 per organization. A total of $50,000 will be distributed. Applications are being accepted through Monday, April 27. Funds will be disbursed starting May 13. 

Awarded funds can be used to purchase computer hardware or software, pay for utilities, gain internet access or expand bandwidth, and secure facilities and collections

“Together, we are all facing unprecedented circumstances,” said Bill Pomeroy, Founder and Trustee of the Pomeroy Foundation. “The present pandemic has caused significant disruption for history organizations. These organizations have been, and continue to be, vital resources in our communities. That’s why we have partnered with MANY to start the Pomeroy Fund for NYS History and provide much needed assistance to critical areas of their operations.”

To apply for a grant or for more information, visit:

Grant applications will be reviewed by a panel that will include MANY Board, MANY staff, and Pomeroy Foundation staff. Grants are available to all qualified organizations; an organization does not have to be a member of MANY to receive funding, nor will preference be given to MANY members. Funding notifications and assistance grants will be issued in May.

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