NYS Canal Corporation issues opening statement

The New York State Canal system has been, and continues to be, a significant driver of economic development for upstate communities and a valuable resource for recreation. As the 2021 navigation season approaches, the Canal Corporation is actively engaging with a wide range of local stakeholders across New York who rely on the waterway to identify their needs.
The Canal Corporation is also assessing and addressing portions of the system’s aging infrastructure. These projects include undertaking efforts to optimize operation of the locks and lift bridges based on usage data when the Canal system opens this spring. As in previous years, the Canal system is projected to operate mid-May through mid-October and no changes are expected to the normal hours of operation.
In addition, New York State’s iconic Erie Canal is not being renamed. The Erie Canal will remain the Erie Canal just as it has been for two centuries.
Gil Quiniones, President and CEO
New York Power Authority