
Brockport resident takes on leadership role in Special Olympics

Jacob Babcock, of Brockport, is a Special Olympics New York athlete growing into his leadership role within the Special Olympics movement not only at the state level but nationally as well. In recent months, Jacob was named to two key posts. 

Jacob was selected as a member of the Athlete Input Council for the 2022 Special Olympics USA Games, which will be held in Orlando, Florida. In this role, Jacob is now part of a group of athlete leaders from throughout the country who will work to ensure the Special Olympics USA Games is an athlete-centered production.

He was also named – by unanimous vote – as the athlete representative on the Law Enforcement Torch Run Committee. During his two-year term in this position, Jacob will serve as a liaison for Special Olympics New York with the law enforcement community, which hosts many events and fundraising opportunities throughout the year. 

Special Olympics New York President and CEO Stacey Hengsterman congratulated Jacob on his leadership, saying, “Jacob is one of our most committed and passionate athlete advocates. We are so grateful for his leadership and proud to have him represent our athletes on the national stage.” 

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