
Police issue guidance amid string of armed car thefts

Over the last several weeks, there have been numerous instances of vehicles being stolen at gunpoint throughout Monroe County. These crimes are typically occurring in the evening or early nighttime hours. The thieves are operating with two typical patterns of robbery.

In some instances, the thieves will rear-end the target vehicle at low speed and wait for the victim to exit the vehicle. They will then approach the victim and rob them of their vehicle at gunpoint. Police advise anyone involved in this situation to remain in their vehicle with the doors locked and call 911 immediately. If possible, leave the location for a public place or police station to seek assistance.

In other cases, the thieves will follow the victim to their destination (sometimes their home or other location) and wait for them to exit their vehicle. They will then approach them on foot and rob them of their vehicle at gunpoint.  Motorists are advised to pay close attention to their surroundings. Anyone who feels they are being followed or that there is a potential threat in the vicinity should consider driving to a public area or police station rather than to their home. Remain in the vehicle with the doors locked and call 911.

A task force spanning multiple police agencies has been formed to investigate these cases. Anyone with information is asked to call 911.

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