
Justice for Vanessa

Hello, I’m respectfully submitting my opionion on this issue as it is one I am passionate about although I am not from Ogden or even New York. I live on the West Coast, however, I am a long term volunteer at our local humane society. I don’t have enough facts to weigh in on what happened on the day of the incident concerning Vanessa, so I am keeping my thoughts spefic to her current treatment while the case works it’s way through the court system. When dogs in our county have bitten or allegedly bitten someone and are deemed either “dangerous” or “potentially dangerous”, they are still treated properly while in the care of the county. The dogs are given vet attention when needed, are removed from their kennels when they are being cleaned and are given daily exercise. The mental and physical damage done to an animal by keeping it in a cage with no access to sunshine or exercise should be considered inhumane and unacceptable by anyone, regardless of that side they stand on this issue. I implore you to please take immediate steps of compassion to ensure Vanessa is healthy and recieves better care while her case is being reviewed. I also ask that you please consider allowing her family to see her. If this case ultimately ends in Vanessa being returned home, you must do everything you can to ensure she is mentally healthy before transitioning home. Dogs can become sick, depressed and agitated when kept from basic care. And if Vanessa’s outcome is less desireable, she still deserves basic decent care during this time. Please show compassion and do the right thing. Thank you for listening.

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