
Justice for Vanessa

I have been disgusted by the egregious behavior of both the plaintiff, her husband as well as Judge Murante. The fact that Mrs. Hirt couldn’t even identify Vanessa as the dog that bit her yet Vanessa was locked up for 10 months. Why does the judge not have to follow NY law requiring only a 20 day hold period… not a 10 month hold period? Since there is no evidence to substantiate Mrs. Hirt’s malicious claims, why was Vanessa not returned to her owner, Jeremy who has proven he is a responsible dog owner of such a “terrifying “ breed that both the Town of Ogden and the opposition are clearly biased against? What the Town of Ogden subjected Vanessa to is defined under the law as abuse, animal cruelty and neglect. The judge, the plaintiffs and the leadership involved MUST be held accountable. I hope this judge is voted out in 2022. He’s a menace to society and clearly incapable of being impartial. Thank God for Bleeker, Jonas Black and Against All Oddz Sanctuary. The world is watching! SEND VANESSA HOME TO HER FAMILY WHERE SHE BELONGS!!!!

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