July events at GCV&M

The coming of summer at Genesee Country Village & Museum heralds the return of sights, sounds, and tastes of life in 19th Century New York. Celebrate the nation’s birth at the Independence Day Celebration (July 4), relish in the traditions of the bitter, sweet, and savory flavors of a much-loved treat during Celebrating Chocolate Weekend (July 10 and 11), and engage with the complex history of the Civil War as experienced in communities across New York State during Civil War Living History Weekend (July 17 and 18).
Kick-off the summer with a lively celebration of America’s birthday on Sunday, July 4, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. during the Independence Day Celebration at GCV&M. Visitors will find live musical performances, historic games, a parade around the historic village, and the opportunity to picnic on the Great Meadow. Guests can experience a reading of the Declaration of Independence and Frederick Douglass’ “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?” read by David Shakes of the North Star Players, as well as demonstrations by costumed interpreters in the Historic Village. The Depot Restaurant and Freight House Pub will be serving hot dogs, burgers, craft beer, cider, and soft drinks, and Independence Day Cake will be available at the historic Confectionery. Plus – don’t miss the pie-eating contest. This event is sponsored by M&T Bank.
GCV&M will also be launching celebrations of its 45th Anniversary on the 4th of July. Guests at the museum for Independence Day will also enjoy complimentary birthday cake and are encouraged to participate in the “Making Museum Memories” photo contest. Visitors who recreate their photos from past visits to GCV&M this season will be entered to win prizes from the Flint Hill Store and will be creating new memories with family and friends at the museum.
Visitors to GCV&M during Celebrating Chocolate Weekend (Saturday, July 10, and Sunday, July 11, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.) will discover historical recipes, sample sweet and savory goods, and dig into the history of chocolate production, including some surprising recipes and uses, in the 19th Century. There will be eight tastings to explore around the museum grounds. The Confectionery will be selling fresh Steak and Cocoa Porter Hand Pies, Chocolate Cream Hand Pies, and several other chocolatey treats.
During Civil War Living History Weekend at GCV&M on Saturday, July 17, and Sunday, July 18, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., guests will step beyond battles and behind front lines to experience interactive and educational programming bringing the many sides of New York in the 1860s to life. Instead of hosting a battle reenactment this year, GCV&M will be focusing its energies on exploring the complex history of how the Civil War impacted communities in Western New York. While no battles took place in this state, more than 400,000 New Yorkers fought in the war. The state also played a key role in the Abolitionist movement and the Underground Railroad. Throughout the weekend, interpreters, guest speakers, and performers will share stories of how the war impacted all New York residents. Explore a military encampment, meet interpreters showcasing the lives of civilians during the war, learn about 19th Century medical practices and innovations, and see special guests President Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass (portrayed by historians Fritz Klein and David Shakes, respectively).
More information about each of these upcoming events and tickets can be found at www.gcv.org/events. Pre-registration is not required, but tickets are limited and will be available online and day-of at the door until events are sold out. The museum is open Wednesdays through Sundays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Visit www.gcv.org or call 538-6822 for details.
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