St. George’s hosting Flea Market and Apple Sausage Sale

On Saturday, August 14, St. George’s Episcopal Church, located at 635 Old Wilder Road in Hilton, will be hosting a Flea Market and selling their famous Apple Sausage sandwiches. “This is a perfect time to serve the community with an event as well as host a fundraising opportunity,” said Reverend Greg Kremer.
For more than 20 years, St. George’s had a booth at the Apple Fest to sell their Apple Sausage sandwiches. With the festival canceled again this year due to the pandemic, the church sought an opportunity to host an event where the community could benefit by selling their garage sale, antique, or craft items, shopping, and enjoying an Apple Sausage sandwich and soft drink.
To reserve a space to sell items at the event, contact the church directly. It is ideal for families looking to sell their items, crafters, and sellers of antiques. The cost is $15 for a 10’x15‘ space. The church will cover all advertising and promotion for the event. For more information, call 392-4099 or visit for an online form.