Upcoming programs at the Hilton-Parma Senior Center

The Hilton-Parma Senior Center invites the community to their evening meals with entertainment. These Evening Meals are typically the fourth Wednesday of the month with dinner being served at 4 p.m. and entertainment at 5 p.m. Doors open at 3:30 p.m. so attendees can save space with friends or make new ones.
Upcoming programs:
•August 24 – Comedy Night with comedian Dan Viola. Dinner is sausage patty with peppers and onions and pasta salad.
•September 28 – Pasta Night with entertainment to be determined. Dinner is ravioli and meatballs.
One does not need to be a member of the Senior Center to attend. Evening meals are open to any seniors in Parma, Hilton, and the surrounding communities. The cost for these dinners is $10 per person and the deadline to register is the Monday before the meal. Attendees are encouraged to bring a non-perishable item for the Hilton Food Shelf as they are in immediate need of items. This is optional but greatly appreciated.
Another new monthly program gaining popularity is called Presenting with Pizza, where a local presenter speaks about an interesting topic or history, followed by a full pizza lunch. All presentations occur on the fourth Monday of the month at 10:30 a.m. with pizza lunch to follow for $5.
Upcoming programs:
•August 22 – Steve Sasson, inventor of the Kodak Digital camera. Steve designed, built, and demonstrated (to Kodak management) the first digital camera in 1975 and received the first patent for this concept in 1978.
•September 26 – Lifespan and Name that Scam, a fun and interactive approach to learning information about scams and fraud. The presentation will be using music from the 1950s, 60s and 70s in a game format
To register for either of these programs or for more information, contact the staff at the Hilton-Parma Recreation and Senior Center at 392-9030.
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