Riga Recreation “WinterFest 2023”

On Sunday, January 29, Riga Recreation held its annual “WinterFest” in partnership with the Churchville Lions Club, and the Churchville-Chili School District at Churchville Elementary School.
The Lions, once again, sold out (650 orders) their “World Famous” Chicken BBQ and there were carnival games, airbrush tattoos, caricature drawings, a magician, and a bounce house in the gymnasium.
Thanks go out to the following organizations and individuals that made this year’s event a huge success: the Churchville Lions Club for their famous BBQ; Churchville Elementary School’s kitchen and custodial staff; Erin Maysick and Girl Scout Troop # 60487 for a wonderful carnival experience in the gymnasium; the Churchville Leo Club and their advisor, Marty Molinari, for delivering the barbecues and supervising the carnival; Dave “Bippy” Boyer, the caricature guy for his wonderful portraits; Arlene’s Airbrush Tattoos; Rich “The Magic Man;” and Air Affair for their bounce house.
We look forward to WinterFest 2024.
David Thomas
Recreation Supervisor
Town of Riga