
Volunteer firefighters gather to discuss priorities for 2023 legislative session

On April 16, dozens of volunteer firefighters from the Greater Rochester area, along with local elected officials and representatives from the Firefighters Association of the State of New York (FASNY), met at the Barnard Exempts Club to discuss the volunteer fire service’s legislative agenda for 2023.

2023 has been a busy year for the fire service in Albany, with numerous critical issues on the docket. A priority for the fire service this session involves ensuring that volunteer firefighters who are sick or injured in the course of their volunteer firefighting service receive the same benefits and compensation as other workers, including paid first responders, across the state.

Under the current standards, a volunteer firefighter injured in the line of duty receives compensation far below that of other workers injured in New York. Volunteer emergency responses can be dangerous and life-threatening situations. This legislation would provide parity for the state’s volunteer firefighters and ensure they have the safety net they deserve to assist with bills and time missed from paying jobs while recovering from injuries received in the line of duty.

New York’s volunteer firefighters, which respond to a majority of the emergency calls in the State, save not only lives and property, but also billions in taxpayer dollars. According to a recently released FASNY economic impact study, these volunteers help New York taxpayers save $4.7 billion annually through their services. This translates to $70,368,239 saved each year in Monroe County.
Other priority FASNY legislation for 2023 includes:
Ongoing Recruitment and Retention Efforts – Several pieces of legislation in Albany that would acknowledge the service of volunteer firefighters with increased benefits and incentives which include legislation that would provide a state-funded stipend to new volunteer firefighters for completing foundational basic firefighting training courses, as well as advocating income tax credit provisions for volunteer firefighters and allowing the state’s volunteers to combine this income tax credit with a recently expanded local property tax exemption program for volunteers.
Public Safety and Building Code Compliance Issues – A group of legislative initiatives related to keeping the public and first responders safe. The legislative package includes updating fire and building codes, supporting code enforcement efforts, amending the penal code to add endangering the welfare of occupants, fire and emergency personnel, and ensuring the safe use of lithium-ion batteries.

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