
The Spencerport Memorial Day Parade

by Jody Grant

This past Monday, May 27, along with the clouds, The Spencerport Memorial Day Parade made its way up to Memorial Park for their annual ceremony. After the introductions of the Spencerport dignitaries, playing of the ‘Star Spangled Banner’ and the opening prayer the sky began to open up. Gary Barton, Commander of Ferris Goodrich Post 330 stated, “Due to the rain that came early we are going to make this quick. We will not read Flanders Field.” His speech was paraphrased but this is what he wanted to say.

“My guest speaker would have been here today but a couple of days ago I was told he was being deployed. That’s where the old phrase ‘Our freedom doesn’t come free’ applies. How often do we think of that. It is just there. We go to work or school every day, come home and relax, do what we need to do. Maybe go watch the kids in sports. Maybe a ballgame, a hockey game, or a basketball game. Or just sit in the easy chair and watch TV and think about tomorrow.

This is all because of our veterans, past and present, our National Guard. These veterans are being sent all over the world and across our country as we go about our everyday life. They never know where they are going until they are on the way. The families have no idea, but worry about them until they get home, if they get back home.

That is why we have this day in our lives to honor the ones that did not make it back to talk about it. The ones that made that sacrifice, going to war or being deployed for smaller problems that we don’t hear about until someone doesn’t make it back home.

So, I ask you tonight when you are sitting and relaxing to take a few minutes to pray for, or if you don’t pray, wish for the veterans and their families that they get home safe and remember, Freedom is Not Free.”

The honor guard were able to complete their salute and taps was played before ending the ceremony.

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