Voter registration at the Brockport Farmers Market

July 28 was another busy day at the Brockport Farmers Market, with Main Street full of shoppers filling their bags with fresh fruits and vegetables, flowers, baked goods, local poultry, wine and a variety of handicrafts. Live music added to the festive atmosphere.
At the Voter Registration Table, volunteers from the Sweden and Clarkson Democratic Committees answered questions from voters who had moved, wanted information about mail-in voting, changing their party affiliation or becoming a paid Election Inspector, as well as registering to vote.
Monroe County Clerk Jamie Romeo was the special guest. One of the responsibilities of the County Clerk is managing NYS Department of Motor Vehicle activities. Several residents noted their appreciation of the monthly Mobile DMV Unit in Brockport (first Wednesday, 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., 49 State Street) and Clarkson (fourth Wednesday, 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., 3655 Lake Road).
The Voter Registration Table returns to the Brockport Farmers Market on August 11, the same weekend as the Brockport Arts Festival.
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