
Area churches send gift boxes to rural Appalachia

Red Bird Mission in rural Appalachia is the recipient of 300 shoeboxes filled with gifts, thanks to the generosity of five area United Methodist churches.

Children’s shoeboxes were filled with toys, school supplies, and health care items. Adults received personal care supplies and toiletries. All boxes included warm hats, socks and gloves. The people from Spencerport, Elmgrove, Penfield, Kendall, and Perry United Methodist churches participated in this annual ministry, along with other churches from upstate New York.

The Red Bird Mission and Clinic in Beverly, Kentucky, has provided ministries in the Appalachian Mountains region since 1921. Today, the need remains critical in this isolated, rural, distressed area.

Chronic poverty, lack of jobs, poor housing, and rugged mountainous terrain provide obstacles to a fuller life for the residents of this area. Red Bird Mission strives to meet these needs through ministry in five areas: Education, Health & Wellness, Community Outreach, Economic Opportunity, and Community Housing Improvement.

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