
OMS students learn about Hospitality Industry

A group of students from the Oliver Middle School can tell you what it takes to manage a hotel. Over the last three months they have been working with Tom Bartz, the General Manager of the Brockport Hampton Inn, learning what it takes to be successful in the Hospitality Industry. Lessons focused on topics involving brand loyalty, curb appeal (professional appearance), building maintenance, staffing and training, start-up costs, and marketing and advertising. As a culminating activity, students spend a morning with the Hampton Inn staff learning the procedures and routines involved with daily operations.

Clay Meney, the facility maintenance manager, reviewed the water chemistry involved with pool/hot tub upkeep, use of special equipment required for handicapped accessibility, and material and safety data requirements. Bartz showed students the state-of-the-art technology involved with conference center, communication and wireless systems, the how to’s of booking special events, room pricing strategies and front desk greeting and check-in procedures. Students finished off their morning by cooking up their own waffles in the Hampton Inn’s breakfast atrium.

“This program is representative of the Brockport Central School District’s commitment to helping students become college and career ready,” said Enrichment Specialist Buck Noble. “Many of the students shared their interest in working in the Hospitality Industry through the thank you letters they wrote.”

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics, eight percent of the current U.S. work force is involved in the Accommodation and Food Services Sector – that’s over 12 million people. The Bureau also projects this sector be a growth industry in the U.S. and worldwide for years to come. Employers will be recruiting for positions including facilities engineers, hotel managers, chefs, data and logistics managers, and marketing agents.

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