Rube Goldberg Fair gives Hilton fifth graders a chance to shine

In order to show their understanding of the different forms of energy, 44 fifth grade students at Village Elementary School created Rube Goldberg machines. These are complicated inventions that achieve a simple task (like blow out a candle or mix two colors together). Students were required to understand and include several energy transfers and a transformation.
The First Ever Village Rube Goldberg Fair was held so students could demonstrate their machines in action. They used the posters that they created to help explain how their machines used energy. Hundreds of their fellow students and many parents and guardians attended.
Teachers Krisann Craney and Jennifer Humphreys had their students begin planning their projects in class and gave them over a month to complete them. The construction of the machines and creation of the posters were done at home. Teachers gave feedback to students whenever they sent videos of their projects using their computers.
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