IB Middle years programme students host partnership lunch

Northwood Elementary School recently held a luncheon and presentation for a group of community members so that they could learn more about the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IB-MYP) from the students themselves. Hilton School District received authorization to offer the IB-MYP at grades 5-10 last fall.
“The event was related to our district goal of engaging and educating the community about our work with IB,” said Principal Kirk Ashton, who organized the event for 17 community members, and eight administrators and staff members. After enjoying lunch and conversation, the group listened to nine students from Laura Mayer’s fifth grade class talk about the MYP and what it means to them.
“MYP is the bridge between the Primary Years Programme at Quest Elementary School and the Diploma Programme at Hilton High School,” said Ashton, who gave the audience an overview. “It gives our students a sense of belonging at a critical time when they are going through many personal, social and developmental changes.”
Through slides, videos, poems, posters, stories and other projects, the students walked the audience through the IB learner profile traits as they apply to MYP. The students gave up their lunch periods for three weeks to work with their principal on the presentation.
At the end of the presentation, the Northwood Theater Club performed a song with pictures of themselves holding signs that illustrated their goals.
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