“Brockport High School Musicals Through the Years” display is new at Seymour Library

The Local History Room in the Seymour Library, 161 East Avenue, Brockport, was built three years ago. It is filled with extensive reference documents and books, newspaper articles and clippings, high school and college yearbooks, and a wide variety of artifacts about the wider Brockport area. Also, greeting the eye of the visitor are some temporary displays announcing current activity by local writers, museums, artists, schools, hobbyists, and other community interests.
A display case series is planned for 2018-2109 to include objects related to: School events, hand crafters, civic clubs, Scouts, museums, and others for two-month periods. For October and November, the exhibit is entitled “Brockport High School Musicals Through the Years.” Celebrating more than 40 years of musicals, 34 selected past productions are represented in individual displays that may include printed programs, photos, tee shirts, or posters. The artifacts were provided by past participants in the musicals, plus John Izzo and Liz Banner of the Brockport High School staff. The display was arranged by LuAnne Cenci and Taysie Pennington of the library’s board of trustees.
This fall’s production at Brockport High School is “Shrek the Musical” on November 8, 9, 10 at 7 p.m. and November 11 at 2 p.m. A table near the check-out desk in the library provides information on the musical. Also, as part of the display, a meet and greet with the high school’s Shrek and Fiona characters will be held in the Local History Room on Saturday, October 27 at 10:30 a.m. They will provide a story and a song plus photo ops for families.