
Volunteer honored at Brockport CSD

Volunteers are an invaluable resource to students, teachers and school districts. The Brockport Board of Education recently recognized an exceptional volunteer, Meg Zimmer, for her continued support of Brockport Central School District.

Elementary teachers, Kelly Young and Kristina Kirchgraber, reached out to the board to share that they, and their students, were extremely grateful for Mrs. Zimmer’s “time, energy, engaging lessons and selflessness.”

A few years ago, Mrs. Zimmer, a Brockport community member and retired Rochester City School District teacher, volunteered in her grandson, Mark’s classroom. She taught hands-on science lessons to enhance the district’s science kits. She engaged the students with her expression, excitement, fun materials and her love of science. She was described as a true asset to the classroom, and the students eagerly looked forward to her lessons.

This year, given the many COVID restrictions, Mrs. Zimmer was unable to physically volunteer within her granddaughter’s class. However, not even a pandemic stopped her from helping the teachers and students. “One of the most difficult challenges this year was having enough materials for each student to have their own supplies due to the inability to share,” said Kelly Young.

Mrs. Zimmer reached out to the teachers and designed detailed “kits” with lesson plans, books and materials for almost 40 students, not just once, but many times. The hands-on activity kits included topics that correlated with the science and ELA units being taught. The kits were packaged professionally with individual materials made by Mrs. Zimmer and her granddaughter, Claire. The kits allowed the students to explore science concepts while engaged in literacy and math, as well as art. Mrs. Zimmer developed lesson plans for each teacher and found appropriate books from the library. She personally delivered the kits and picked them up upon completion. Although she saw photos, she did all of this without being able to see the fruits of her labor.

“As a former teacher, Meg is aware of the demands of meeting the standards, curriculum pacing, gathering and prepping materials for engaging lessons and trying to make it all come together so that students learn to love science. She found a way to make this challenging year a bit easier for two teachers who were overwhelmed with the pandemic. She shared her love of science with 40 children who will never forget the lessons she taught them, even though she was never physically present,” stated Young. A teacher is one who inspires, guides, enlightens and motivates. Thank you, Mrs. Zimmer, for sharing your love of teaching with BCSD and touching so many lives.

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