Community professionals share business and career expertise with Churchville-Chili Ninth Grade Academy students

The 13th annual Career Day at Churchville-Chili’s Ninth Grade Academy (NGA), held in November, featured opportunities for students to participate in a wide variety of career workshops led by professionals from more than a dozen occupational fields. Presenters included 34 community experts, including 17 alumni, who generously gave their time to speak with students about their vocations, and the education and skills needed to be successful in those areas. In an inspiring presentation later in the day, Diana Meyer, the current Mrs. NY American, and Hilton CSD graduate, spoke to students about making good choices, combating adversity, and setting and achieving goals.
“The Career Day event happens every year because of incredible support from the Churchville-Chili community,” said business teacher Ann Marie Maher. “It is a great way for community members and the school district to work together for the benefit of our students. This valued partnership helps students explore careers and see the connection between their academics and their future. We really want to thank everyone who shared their time, expertise, and advice with the next generation.”
Career Day guest speaker Elizabeth Beach, an alumna and content marketing specialist for Rochester Regional Health, was excited to share the work that she does with students. “If you told 14-year-old me … that I could make a living doing the things I love, I wouldn’t have believed you – but I got to tell these students all about it.”
Career fields and guest speakers for this year’s Career Day included (C-C alumni are indicated with a *):
•Business & Marketing – Elizabeth Beach* (Rochester Regional Health), Steve Hogan* (HR Works), Alyssa Jackson* (Newell Brands)
•Media & Communications – Adam Chodak (WROC-TV), Dana Damiani* (Spectrum News), Joe Gutberlet* (WROC-TV)
•Cybersecurity & Homeland Security – Glenn Grana (Roberts Wesleyan), Brendan Hurley (Monroe County Sheriff’s Office), Jason Klewicki (NYS Police)
•Law & Public Safety – Michael Azzolina (RPD), Sean O’Donnell* (BOCES 1/American Medical Response/Perinton Ambulance), Eric Stowe (Stowe Law Firm)
•Counseling & Mental Health – Teresa Braun* (Strong Recovery), Katie Kunkle (CCCSD), Aaron Twig (CCCSD)
•Medical Imaging – Ashely Conley (URMC), Frank Post (URMC)
•Healthcare Services – Leah Brown* (Elderwood of Lakeside), Dr. Samuel Camarata* (Camarata Chiropractic), Alexandra Holmes (CCCSD), Dr. Jeremy Sajdak* (Lattimore Physical Therapy)
•Health Science – Jacob Brown* (UR Primary Care), Olivia Brown* (URMC/Supplemental Health), Joy Hogan* (URMC/RGH)
•Animal Science – Dr. Bella DeGelorm (Churchville Veterinary Hospital), Kristen Grolemund (Churchville Veterinary Hospital)
•Engineering & Manufacturing – Matt Brunelle* (Optimax), Tori Uthe (Optimax)
•Engineering – Kyra Hayden* (Exelon Generation), Zachary Perkins* (IDEX Health & Science), Jordan Smith (LeChase Construction)
•Architecture & Construction / Skilled Trades – Al Arilotta (ALA Architects), Connor Magiera (Campus Construction Management Group)
•Career Exploration – John Sheible (SUNY Brockport)
Teen motivational speaker Diana Meyer, who spoke to the class in the CCPAC (Performing Arts Center), currently holds the title of Mrs. NY American. She is a past National American Miss NY Teen and Miss Finger Lakes, a graduate of St. John Fisher College, and a talent manager for Robert Half International. Meyer works with the Dress for Success organization (, and volunteers her musical talents as a flautist to the Alzeimer’s Association and to many senior memory homes across the state. Her husband, Josh, is a Churchville-Chili graduate.
There are a variety of opportunities throughout Churchville-Chili schools for community professionals who would like to help introduce students to their businesses or career fields, including NGA Career Day and Career Connections at the Middle School. Those interested in participating should contact Maher at
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