Spencerport students earn Seal of Biliteracy

Spencerport High School is celebrating 49 students from the Class of 2023 who are being recognized with the New York State Seal of Biliteracy on their graduation diplomas. This designation means that students attained a high level of proficiency in speaking, listening, reading and writing in one or more languages in addition to English.
The Seal of Biliteracy encourages the study of languages, identifies high school graduates with language and biliteracy skills for employers, and provides universities with additional information about applicants seeking admission. To earn the seal, students must meet criteria set by the New York State Department of Education to prove language proficiency at the intermediate high level or above, as defined by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. The students provided evidence to demonstrate their ability to read, write, speak and listen in two languages and gave a presentation in their world language in front of multiple evaluators who then interviewed them in the language. It was an opportunity to show their skills in a language other than English.
The Seal of Biliteracy recognizes the value of foreign and native language instruction, and affirms the value of diversity in a multilingual society. Proficiency in multiple languages is critical in enabling individuals to participate effectively in a global political, social, and economic context, and in expanding trade with other countries. In addition to being proficient in more than one language, bilingual people gain cultural insight and are compassionate and empathetic as they consider the cultural nuances of others’ perspectives.
Spencerport CSD recently recognized these seniors for their linguistic proficiency and cultural awareness: Joseph Abdo (recipient of two medallions for French and Arabic), Sarah Adams, Daniel Amann, Mikayla Amico, Mackenzie Barkley, Hassan Bodlah, Isabella Buono, Sydney Button, Sydney Collier, Devin Crews, Kiaralis Diaz, Daisy Fahmer, Madison Fleck, Morgan Gormel, Clara Hager, Margarite Hrudzko, Kamden Keyes, Silvester Kirchoff, Ian Lape, Xavier LePage, Matthew Lindsey, Jaden List, Caley Mansfield, Jacob Marciano, Adria Mascia, Rylan McLeod, Vladislav Migitskiy, Trinh (Chin) Nguyen, Truc (Naomi) Nguyen, Gretel Nuernberger, Ángel Nuñez, Aiyana Primous Sherman, Kiara Primous Sherman, Nicholas Rosipayla, Emma Schleher, Sydney Schleicher, Timothy Serluca, Ahmed Shaibi, Bryon Streb, Angelina Ta, Katherine Toates, Cruz Vargas, Gabriella Vega, Riley Weber, Gabriella White, Andrew Wiebeld, Alina Yakimov, Willow Yarger, and Victoria Zadoyannaya.
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