Trump’s loyalties called into question
In late May of this year, The National Security Agency accused the Russian government of hacking email servers around the world. Despite the fact that this is The United States National Security Agency, Mr. Trump “renewed his baseless claims that the investigation into Russia’s activities was part of a ‘hoax’ intended by Democrats to paralyze him (NYT May 29, 2020).” According to the NYT 6/27/20: “The United States concluded months ago that the Russian unit, which has been linked to assassination attempts and other covert operations in Europe intended to destabilize the West or take revenge on turncoats, had covertly offered rewards for successful attacks last year.”
We now know that President Trump was warned in February that Russia was paying Afghanistan Taliban to kill coalition forces, including Americans. The intelligence was solid enough to be shared across the intelligence community and with allies, according to the New York Times 6/30/20. Mr. Trump was offered a menu of options to respond to Russian actions, but instead, Mr. Trump wants to reward Russia with admittance into the G-7. While U.S. intelligence is warning about Russian cyberattacks and now an operation to incentivize the killing of American troops, Mr. Trump does nothing. Mr. Trump’s actions call into question his competence and/or his loyalties.