
Homesteads for Hope receives $5,000 to expand community garden

On June 15, Tops Markets presented Homesteads for Hope with $5,000 to help expand the programming for their Community Farm. Homesteads won the funding through a contest put together by Tops and Herban Fresh Farm Fund.  The contest was open to non-profit groups and schools with one winner being awarded $5,000 for the purpose of building or enhancing a local community garden in the areas Tops operates. 

The positive impacts of community gardens include building stronger neighborhoods, increasing access to healthy foods, and improving air quality. Homesteads for Hope is 501c3 nonprofit inclusive Community Farm for individuals with and without disabilities to learn, work, live, and grow in nature’s classroom. Their 55-acre farm is located on Manitou Road in Ogden, directly on the wide waters of the Erie Canal.  Their classroom is in the great outdoors which provides a peaceful and therapeutic environment for anyone who sets foot on it no matter their ability level.  

The funds will allow the Homesteads for Hope Community Garden to grow impact by helping them:

•Build more boxes to expand and create a “U-Pick” experience

•Create handicap accommodations (three feet of height to some boxes)

•Design/build vertical garden components (tomato cages and trellis walk-thrus)

•Provide every garden plot a “mailbox” so families can write their name on it and store their gloves and personal garden tools. Training documents could also be placed in the mailboxes so they have their education for the week without having to print or lose those documents.

To learn more about Homesteads for Hope, visit

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