
Purple Heart Day

August 7 is designated “Purple Heart Day,” a time for Americans to pause to remember and honor the brave men and women who were either wounded on the battlefield or paid the ultimate sacrifice with their lives. I received my Purple Heart in Vietnam in 1969. The Purple Heart is a symbol of the brave men and women who have put their lives on the line to protect this nation’s founding values.
Included in those values is the right to protest. This nation was born out of the act of protest. President Trump and his Republican sycophants storm the streets of Portland, Oregon, and other cities, unwanted and unwelcomed by local authorities. Officers in unmarked and unaccountable uniforms, are there ostensibly to protect federal buildings. At the same time, thousands of Americans die because of President Trump’s and Republicans’ failed leadership on the COVID-19 crisis.
Another founding value is the right of citizens of this country to vote in safe, secure, and honest elections. Republicans have refused to take any measures to secure our elections from foreign interference. The President has welcomed assistance from Russia and tried to get the governments of Ukraine and China to assist in his re-election. When asked about foreign help for re-election, Mr. Trump stated: “I think I’d take it.” While Democrats in the House have passed several bills strengthening our election laws, the Republicans have failed to take any action on them.
As a combat veteran and Purple Heart recipient, I would like to ask newly elected Congressman Chris Jacobs if he supports sending in unaccountable federal troops against the wishes of local officials and if he supports foreign interference in our elections? Does Mr. Jacobs support President Trump’s canoodling with President Putin while Russia puts a bounty on American troops?

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